Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bristol Palin briefly impersonates mom on Dancing with the Stars debut


In Monday's much-awaited 'Dancing with the Stars' premiere, Bristol Palin, daughter of former vice presidential candidate and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, performed with partner Mark Ballas.

Bristol Palin began dressed in a modest business suit much like her mother would wear. But that was subsequently ripped off to reveal a red-fringed dress as the pair began their dance to Three Dog Night's "Mama Told Me Not to Come."

Palin, "just a regular girl," admits that she has not always taken her mother's advice.

"I've always listened to my mom growing up, but there have been times that I haven't, so this song is kind of a play off of that," CBS reported.

The duo received 18 out of 30 points for their "very acceptable" her performance and now sits comfortably in the middle of the competition.The ABC-TV show pairs professional dancers with celebrities.

Sarah Palin watched from a viewing party in Alaska, tweeting a photo of family watching and writing, "Over-the-moon excited and happy for Bristol! Cheering her on @DWTS party in the Palin living room."

Entertainment Weekly reported on ratings for the evening:



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